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Uttarakhand GK MCQs

Statewise Static Gk Objective Questions

22. Consider the follovwing statements
1. The transport department was constituted in 1945 under the provisions of section 133A of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939.
2. It was headed by the transport commissioner Uttar Pradesh when Uttarakhand was a part of Uttar Pradesh.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

23. The Pranmati Gad and the Ata Gad are important ributaries of the river

24. Match the following
List-I (Book) List-II (Author)
a. Kumaun Ka ltihas 1. Badri Dutta Pandey
b. Garhwal Paintings 2. Barrister Mukundi Lal
c. Kumaun Ka Yogdaan 3. Dr. Bhakt Darshah
d. Suman Smriti Granth 4. Indira Singh Nayal

25. Jaggar song is related to

26. Sanskrit Academy was established in

27. The regions of Pauri Garhwal and Dehradun were given to the Britishers in return of their help during the Gurkha invasion in which century?

28. Nandprayag is the second prayag in the cascade sequence of the confluences where the Nandakini river joins the river

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