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Jharkhand GK MCQs

Statewise Static Gk Objective Questions

827. When was Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying and Fisheries established under Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer welfare?

828. Which one of the following was not a hockey player?

829. When was the production started in Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited in Ranchi?

830. Who was assigned by the British for the expedition on Singhbhum in AD 1767?

831. Consider the following statements.
1. Tusu Parba is a harvest festival.
2. It is also for unmarried girls.
3. It is held during summer season.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

832. Which of the art form depicts the activity of animals?

833. According to India State of Forest Report, 2017, how much area of Jharkhand is under forest cover?

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