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Speed Time & Distance MCQs

Quantitative Aptitude Objective Questions

449. A student goes to school at the rate of $$2\frac{1}{2}$$ km/hr and reaches 6 min late. If he travels at the speed of 3 km/hr he is 10 min early. What is the distance to the school ?

450. A man travelled a distance of 1200 km in 16 hours, He travelled partly by car at a speed of 40 km/h, and partly by train at a speed of 80 km/h. What is the distance traveled by car?

451. A man travels 600 km by train at 80 km/hr, 800 km by ship at 40 km/hr, 500 km by aeroplane at 400 km/hr and 100 km by car at 50 km/hr. What is the average speed for the entire distance :

452. The wheel of an engine of 300 cm in circumference makes 10 revolutions in 6 seconds. What is the speed of the wheel (in km/h)?

453. A train, 110 m long is running at a speed of 60 km/hr. How many seconds does it to cross another train, 170 m long standing on parallel track ?

454. A train, 300m long, passed a man, walking along the line in the same direction at the rate of 3 kmph in 33 seconds. The speed of the train is:

455. A takes 2 hours more than B to walk d km, but if A doubles his speed, then he can make it in 1 hour less than B. How much times does B required for walking d km ?

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