A Best Way To Crack Gorenment Job Exams

Percentage MCQs

Quantitative Aptitude Objective Questions

155. A customer asks for the production of x number of goods. The company produces y number of goods daily. Out of which z% are units for sale. The order will be completed in :

156. The current birth rate per thousand is 32, whereas the corresponding death rate is 11 per thousand. The net growth rate in terms of population increase in percent is given by :

157. The income of A is 80% of B's income and the expenditure of A is 60% of B's expenditure. If the income of A is equal to 90% of B's expenditure, then by what percentage are the saving of A more than B's savings?

158. Two numbers are respectively 25% and 60% more than a third number. The ratio of the two numbers is:

159. A 14.4 kg gas cylinder runs for 104 hours when the smaller burner on the gas stove is fully opened while it runs for 80 hours when the larger burner on the gas stove is fully opened. Which of these value is the closest to the percentage difference in the usage of gas per hour, of the smaller burner over the larger burner ?

160. Solve this : 15% of 578 + 22.5% of 644 = ?

161. In a factory, the production of cycles rose to 48400 from 40000 in 2 years. The rate of growth per annum is ?

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