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Mechanical Engineering Objective Questions { Theory of Machines }

176. Pitching of a ship produces forces on the bearings -
A.In the direction of niotion of ship
B.Which act horizontally perpendicular to the motion of ship
C.In the plane of the pitching
D.Which act along the axis of the bearings
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177. It is possible to obtain unity velocity ratio at every instant in double Hooke's joint, if
A.Axes of driving and driven shafts are in same plane
B.Axes of driving and driven shafts are in different planes
C.Intermediate shaft makes equal angles with driving and driven shafts
D.(a) and (c)
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178. The contact surfaces in a single plate clutch are usually lined with leather, cork etc. in order to
A.Enable quick replacement of worn parts
B.Increase friction force
C.Increase power transmitted
D.Reduce slip
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179. The power transmitted by a belt is maximum when the maximum tension in the belt compared to centrifuel tension. is
A.2 times
B.3 times
C.4 times
D.2.5 times
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180. Which is false statement about fl fled
A.Flywheel smoothens the cyclic fluctuation of speed when delivering constant output h.p.
B.It has no influence on the mean speed of the prime mover
C.It takes care of output fluctuations and controls input accordingly
D.It has no influence over the varying load demand on prime moyer
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181. Which is false statement above govenor
A.It has no influence on mean speed of the prime mover
B.It has no influence over the cyclic , speed fluctuation
C.It adjusts supply energy of prime mover with varying output
D.It controls mean speed over a period for output load variations by manipulating input energy
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182. The frictional torque transmitted in a conical or flat pivot bearing assuming uniform pressure in comparison to assumption of uniform wear is
A.(b) more
B.(a) same
D.More or less depending on load to be transmitted
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