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18th Century Revolts and Reforms MCQs

History Objective Questions

106. Swami Dayanand Saraswati established the Arya Samaj in 1875 at

107. Who founded the 'All India Harijan Samaj' in 1932?

108. Theosophical movement though not very successful helped in contributing to developments in society. Which of the following are those developments?
I. Women upliftment and recognized their importance
II. Provided self respect needed to fight British colonial rule
III. Did not provide any contribution as they realized that they were giving false sense of pride

109. Swami Vivekananda's contribution to society and educating masses is through following ways:
I. Condemned caste system and current rituals and superstitions
II. Criticized for having lost touch with rest of world and for becoming stagnant and mummified
III. Subscribed to Vedanta which he considered fully rational system

110. What was the main inspiration for establishing Theosophical Society?

111. Social reforms were a major task of the theosophical society. With respect to Indian traditions and culture, which one does not find its occurrence in the societal activities?
I. Resistance to child marriage.
II. Resistance to widow remarriage.
III. Spread of education.
IV. Abolition of caste and Untouchability.
V. Accommodation of conversion in religious faith.

112. Hyder Ali was the ruler of __________

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