Of the total water on the Earth, 3% fresh water reserve a constitute approximately. Over 68% of the fresh water on Earth is found in icecaps and glaciers, and just over 30% is found in ground water. Only about 0.3% of our fresh water is found in the surface water of lakes, rivers, and swamps.
Fjords abound the coast of Norway. Fjord Norway has stunning scenery with deep blue fjords, flowing waterfalls, and sharp, snow-capped mountains that tower high above the water.
The amount of dew is measured by Drosometer. A drosometer is an apparatus for measuring the quantity of dew formed in a unit of time per unit area of surface.
The home of spices is India. India, known as the home of spices, boasts a long history of trading with the ancient civilisations of Rome and China. Today, Indian spices are the most sought-after globally, given their exquisite aroma, texture, taste and medicinal value. India has the largest domestic market for spices in the world.
The world's largest river is Amazon. The Amazon is considered the world's largest river by volume, but scientists have believed it is slightly shorter than Africa's Nile.
609. Which among these is an intermontane plateau?
A plateau which is enclosed or surrounded by mountain ranges is known as an intermontane plateau. The Plateau of Tibet and the Plateau of Mongolia are the two intermontane plateaus in Asia. The Plateau of Tibet is surrounded by the Kunlun Mountains in the north and the Himalayas in the south.