Xerophytic vegetation is characteristic feature of Kuchchh. A xerophyte is a species of plant that has adaptations to survive in an environment with little liquid water, such as a desert or an ice- or snow-covered region in the Alps or the Arctic.
100. When did India adopt the International Tsunami Warning System
India adopt the International Tsunami Warning System in 2006. India agreed to "Ocean Tsunami Warning System" in a United Nations Conference held in January 2005 in Kobe, Japan. As an initiation towards an International Early Warning Programme after the disastrous tsunami of 2004 due to Indian Oceean earthquake.
101. In which of the following cities of India the diurnal range of temperature is maximum?
In New Delhi the diurnal range of temperature is maximum. The mean annual temperature in New Delhi, India is fairly hot at 25.1° Celsius (77.2° Fahrenheit). There is a variation of mean monthly temperatures of 19.1°C (34.4°F) which is a slightly low range. The variation/ range of diurnal average temperatures is 12.3°C (22.1°F).
India targets bringing 33° of its geographical area under forest cover. As many as 15 states and union territories (UTs) have forest cover exceeding 33° of their geographical area.
104. Which of the following state receives rainfall due to western disturbances?
Punjab receives rainfall due to western disturbances. Western disturbances are extra tropical storms that originate over Mediterranean and flows toward east. In India western disturbances bring winter rainfall in states like Punjab, Haryanana and western Uttar Pradesh.
105. Which of the following is recognised as a season by the meteorological department of India ?
North-eastern monsoon is recognised as a season by the meteorological department of India. North East monsoon is the weak rain bearing seasonal winds that flow when the South West monsoon retreats from the Indian mainland. They pick-up the moisture mainly from Bay of Bengal and gives rain to many places in India during the months of October and November.