Other provision which needs special majority in Parliament are as follows.
(i) Impeachment of President.
(ii) Extent of executive power of Union and State
(iii) Alterations in jurisdiction of SC and HC.
Any change in demarcation of legislative power between Union an States.
Planning Commission was established on 15th March 1950. Prime Minister is the Chairman of Planning Commission. He is also the Chairman of NITI Aayog which replaced Planning Commission as Government of India policy think-tank in 2015.
State Highways in India are laid and maintained by the respective state governments. Whereas National Highways are maintained by National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).
676. The President's Rule is imposed on a State in India, when-
Article-356 of constitution of India referst of imposition of President's rule or State Emergency. As per provisions of this article, if President feels that State Government is not functioning in accordance to provisions of Constitution, State Government can be dismissed and State Legislative Assembly can be suspended or dissolved.
677. What is the maximum age limit for the President post of India?
There is a provision of minimum age which is 35 years to become President of India. But there is no such Provision of maximum age limit for the post of President.
678. How many member of Anglo-Indian Community can be nominated by Governor in State Assembly-
As per provisions of Article-333, Governor of a state can nominate one member belonging to Anglo Indian Community in state legislative assembly, if he is of the opinion that they are not adequately represented.
679. Article 1 describes India that is Bharat as :