Passage : the action or process of moving through or past somewhere on the way from one place to another.
Obstruction : the action of obstructing or the state of being obstructed.
Fateful : having far-reaching and often disastrous consequences or implications.
Destruction : the action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired.
Impediment : a hindrance or obstruction in doing something.
Synonym of Impediment is Obstruction
Prophecy : a prediction of what will happen in the future.
Intention : a thing intended, an aim or plan.
Astronomy : the branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.
Future : a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing, time regarded as still to come.
Augury : a sign of what will happen in the future, an omen.
Synonym of Augury is Prophecy.
Unfair :not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice.
Average :medium, moderate, intermediate, passable, dim.
Slovenly :(especially of a person or their appearance) messy and dirty.
Insignificant :too small or unimportant to be worth consideration.
Paltry :(of an amount) small or meager.
Synonym of Paltry is Insignificant.
Laxity : looseness of a limb or muscle.
Impassivity : apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions.
Serenity : the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
Listlessness : Lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort.
Lethargy : a lack of energy and enthusiasm.
Synonym of Lethargy is Listlessness
40. Those who aquire quick money are impatient to flaunt their wealth and material possessions.
Waste : use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose.
Squander : waste (something, especially money or time) in a reckless and foolish manner.
Hide : put or keep out of sight.
Ostentatious : characterized by pretentious or showy display; designed to impress.
Flaunt : display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show defiance.
Synonym of Flaunt is Ostentatious
41. After that tiresome long journey, he felt drowsy.
Sluggish : lacking energy or alertness.
Irritable : having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed.
Energetic : showing or involving great activity or vitality.
Dizzy : having or involving a sensation of spinning around and losing one's balance.
Drowsy : sleepy and lethargic; half asleep.
Synonym of Drowsy is Sluggish
Stupid : having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.
Stale : (of food) no longer fresh and pleasant to eat; hard, musty, or dry.
Sweet : (of sound) melodious or harmonious.
Tasteful : showing good aesthetic judgement or appropriate behaviour.
Mellifluous : (of a sound) pleasingly smooth and musical to hear.
Synonym of Mellifluous is Sweet