Weaknesses : the state or condition of being weak.
Oddities : a strange or peculiar person or thing.
Timidness : showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened.
Failures : lack of success.
Frailties : weakness in character or morals.
Synonym of Frailties is Weaknesses
114. Quite unabashed, he began his scholarly lecture on what was obvious to everyone.
Unashamed : expressed or acting openly and without guilt or embarrassment.
Unimpressed : feeling no admiration, interest, or respect.
Unnerved : make (someone) lose courage or confidence.
Unchecked : (especially of something undesirable) not controlled or restrained.
Unabashed : not embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed.
Synonym of Unabashed is Unashamed
115. Even the loss of her jewels did not disturb the lady's equanimity.
Temper : a person's state of mind seen in terms of their being angry or calm.
Composure : the state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself.
Affability : the quality of being affable; geniality.
Humour : the quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech.
Equanimity : calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation.
Synonym of Equanimity is Composure
Persuade : induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.
Glorify : praise and worship (God).
Annoy : make (someone) a little angry; irritate.
Charm : the power or quality of delighting, attracting, or fascinating others.
Enthral : capture the fascinated attention of.
Synonym of Enthral is Charm
Haughty : arrogantly superior and disdainful.
Official : relating to an authority or public body and its activities and responsibilities.
Heavenly : of the heavens or sky.
Needless : (of something undesirable) not necessary because avoidable.
Supernal : relating to the sky or the heavens; celestial.
Synonym of Supernal is Heavenly
118. The school took us on a three days excursion to Goa.
Trip : a journey or excursion, especially for pleasure.
Picnic : an occasion when a packed meal is eaten outdoors, especially during an outing to the countryside.
Visit : go to see and spend time with (someone) socially.
Tournament : (in a sport or game) a series of contests between a number of competitors, competing for an overall prize.
Excursion : a short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity.
Synonym of Excursion is Trip
119. There was always an imminent danger of the falling of that damaged roof.
Constant : occurring continuously over a period of time.
Impending : be about to happen.
Remote : (of a place) situated far from the main centres of population; distant.
Favourable : expressing approval.
Imminent : about to happen.
Synonym of Imminent is Impending