A Best Way To Crack Gorenment Job Exams

Ordering of Sentences MCQs

English Objective Questions

64. S1: We may consider the political privileges of citizenship.
P: This gives the citizen the pleasant feeling that he has a share in the administration of his country.
Q: In addition, he may himself stand as a candidate for election to any office of the republic to which he belongs.
R: A citizen usually enjoys the right of voting of election to public bodies, and of holding public offices.
S: These advantages are of course only enjoyed by citizens under a democratic system of government.
S6: Under a dictatorship, people cannot choose their own representatives to run the government and the rights of voting and contesting are denied to them.

The Proper sequence should be:

65. S1: A man handed a pair of trousers to the departmental store-clerk and said,"I'd like these altered, please".
P: He said that free alteration is not possible without a receipt.
Q: The man said,"Okay, I'd like to return the trousers". The clerk took them back and returned his money.
R: The man pushed the money and said,"Now I want to buy them". The clerk put the trousers in a bag, issued receipt and handed him both.
S: The clerk asked for the sales receipt but after searching his pockets the man replied that he had lost it.
S6: Triumphantly he put the trousers and the receipt on the counter and said,'I'd like to have these altered, please."

The Proper sequence should be:

66. S1: Once upon atime there lived three young men in a certain town of Hindustan.
P : All the people of the neighbourhood were mortally afraid of them.
Q : They were so powerful that they could catch growing lions and tear them to pieces.
R : Someone told them that they would become immortal if they killed Death.
S : The young men believed themselves to be very good friends.
S6: All of them set out in search of their foe called Death.

The Proper sequence should be:

67. S1: Ram Mohan Roy was a lover of his country.
P: He said that it would be a good plan to build an English school or college.
Q: One evening he was talking with David and a few friends on the wisest way of uplifting the mind and character of the people of India.
R: But he thought of subjects beyond watches.
S: David was a watchmaker.
S6: Indians and Europeans met next year to put this idea into shape.

The Proper sequence should be:

68. S1: The path of Venus lies inside the path of the Earth.
P : When at its farthest from the Earth, Venus is 160 million away
Q : With such a wide range between its greatest and leat distances it is natural that at sometimes Venus appears much brighter than at others.
R : No other body ever comes so near the Earth, with the exception of the Moon and occasional comet or asteroid.
S : When Venus is at its nearest to the earth it is only 26 million miles away.
S6: When at its brightest, it is easily seen with the naked eye in broad daylight.

The Proper sequence should be:

69. S1: An elderly lady suddenly became blind.
P : The doctor called daily and every time he took away some of her furniture he liked.
Q : At last she was cured and the doctor demanded his fee.
R : She agreed to pay a large fee to the doctor who would cure her.
S : On being refused, the doctor wanted to know the reason.
S6: The lady said that she had not been properly cured because she could not see all his furniture.

The Proper sequence should be:

70. S1: Growing up means not only getting larger, but also using our senses and our brains to become more aware of the things around us.
P: Not only does he have a memory but he is able to think and reason.
Q: In this, man differs from all other animals.
R: Before we spray our roadside plants or turn sewage into our rivers, we should pause to think what the results of our actions are likely to be.
S: That is to say, he is able to plan what he is going to do in the light of his experience before he does it.
S6: In other words, we must develop and use our ability to reason, because the destruction or the preservation of the places in which we live depends on us.

The Proper sequence should be:

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