One word substitute is Avaricious.
Avaricious: having or showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
Voracious: wanting or devouring great quantities of food.
Garrulous: excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.
Greedy: having an excessive desire or appetite for food.
632. Property inherited from one's father or ancestor
One word substitute is Patrimony.
Alimony: a husband's (or wife's) provision for a spouse after separation or divorce; maintenance.
Patrimony: property inherited from one's father or male ancestor.
Legacy: an amount of money or property left to someone in a will.
Inheritance: a thing that is inherited.
633. Language difficult to understand because of bad form
One word substitute is Jargon.
Rhetoric: the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.
Jargon: special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand.
Pedantic: excessively concerned with minor details or rules; overscrupulous.
Verbatim: in exactly the same words as were used originally.
One word substitute is Furrow.
Vale: a valley (used in place names or as a poetic term).
Trench: a long, narrow ditch.
Furrow: a long, narrow trench made in the ground by a plough, especially for planting seeds or irrigation.
Trough: a long, narrow open container for animals to eat or drink out of.
One word substitute is Lexicographer.
Calligrapher: a person who is skilled at the art of calligraphy (= producing beautiful writing, often with a special pen or brush).
Editor: a person who is in charge of and determines the final content of a newspaper, magazine, or multi-author book.
Lexicographer: a person who compiles dictionaries.
Compiler: a person who produces a list or book by assembling information or written material collected from other sources.
One word substitution is Personify.
Characterise: describe the distinctive nature or features of.
Idol: an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.
Personify: represent or embody (a quality, concept, etc.) in a physical form.
Signify: be an indication of.
One word substitute is Anatomy.
Anthropology: the study of human societies and cultures and their development.
Neurology: the branch of medicine or biology that deals with the anatomy, functions, and organic disorders of nerves and the nervous system.
Hygiene: conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.
Anatomy: the branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms, especially as revealed by dissection and the separation of parts.