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Control System MCQs

Electrical Engineering Objective Questions

218.  The unit step response of a second order linear system with zero initial states is given by c (t) = 1 + 1.25 exp (-6t) sin (8t - tan-1 1.333); t > 0 The damping rafio and the undamped natural frequency of oscillation of the system are respectively

219.  Which one of the following statements regarding the state transmition matrix is correct?

220.  A control system whose step response is 0.5 (1 + e-2t) is cascaded to another control block whose impulse response is e4. The transfer function of the cascaded combination is

221.  The characteristic equation of a closed loop control system is given by 52 + 9s + 16 = 0. The resonant frequency in radians/sec of the system is

222.  For a unit step input, a system with forward path transfer, function G(s)20= -7 and feedback path transfer function H(s) = (s + 5) has a steady state output of

223.  The transfer function of a multi-input multi-output system with the state-space representation of X = AX + BU Y = CX + DU where X represent at state, Y the output and U the input vector, will be given by

224.  The unit impulse response of a unit feedback control system is given by c(t) = -e-t + 2e-t (t > 0) The open-loop transfer function is equal to

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