134. Peak factor is the ratio of
A. average value to rms value
B. rms value to average value
C. peak value to average value
D. peak value to rms value.
135. Form factor for dc supply voltage is always
A. zero
B. unity
C. infinity
D. any value between 0 and I.
136. The two quantities are said to be in phase with each other when
A. the phase difference between two quantities is zero degree or radiad
B. each of them passes through zero values at the same instant and rises in the same direction
C. both (a) or (b) above
D. none of the above
137. Phase difference between the two waveforms can be compared only when they have the same
A. frequency
B. peak value
C. effective value
D. none of these
138. A phasor is a line which represents the
A. rms value and phase of an alternating quantity.
B. average value and phase of an alterating quantity.
C. magnitude and direction of an alternating quantity
D. none of these
139. The phasor diagram for alternating quantities can be drawn if they have
A. rectangular waves
B. sinusoidal waves
C. triangular waves
D. all of these
140. Two alternating quantities are added
A. arithmetically.
B. graphically
C. vectorially
D. geometrically
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