In respect of Assignment the following are correct are Assignee becomes owner of the policy and Assignee cannot have better rights than assignor.
142. What is common between nomination and assignment?
Both are done as per Insurance Act, 1938. The appointment of an individual by the assured to receive the amount secured by the policy, upon the demise of the assured is known as a nomination. On the other hand, assignment refers to cede the right, ownership, and interest in the policy to another person.
143. Minimum qualification required for insurance agent is _________ pass.
if complex language is used to word a certain policy document and it has given rise to an ambiguity, it will generally be construed in favour of insured.
Hospital is a health care provider. A healthcare provider is an institution (such as a hospital or clinic) or person (such as a physician, nurse, allied health professional or community health worker) that provides preventive, curative, promotional, rehabilitative or palliative care services in a systematic way to individuals, families or communities.