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Accounting MCQs

Commerce Objective Questions

449. Which of the following is not a tool of management accounting?

450. Capital redemption reserve can be utilized for . . . . . . . .

451. While discounting the bill, debit should be given to . . . . . . . .

452. $$\frac{{{\text{Profit}}}}{{{\text{P/V Ratio}}}} = .\,.\,.\,.\,.\,.\,.\,.$$

453. Stock Rs. 14,000; Debtors Rs. 20,000: Creditors Rs. 20,000; Credit balance of profit and loss account at the beginning of the year Rs. 18,000; administration and selling expenses Rs. 20,000; 10% dividend on equity capital Rs. 3,000.
The following ratios are also given:
Stock turnover: 5 times
Current ratio 2 : 1
Debtors collection period: 73 days
Outstanding expenses: 15% of creditors
Ratio of net profit after tax to net tangible assets is 1: 10
Rate of Income tax: 5%
Ratio of fixed assets to paid up capital is 9: 10.
The total assets of the firm are:

454. Which of the following are methods of calculating goodwill?
1. Average profit method
2. Super profit method
3. Log method
4. Sum of years digit method
5. Capitalisation of average profit method
6. Capitalisation of super profit method
7. FIFO method
Select the correct answer:

455. The statutory meeting of a company is convened

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