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Accounting MCQs

Commerce Objective Questions

407. The parties to joint venture are called

408. Accounting Standards Board of India was established in the year

409. Which of the following are prepared by the organisations keeping only incomplete accounting records?
I. Cash book
II. Customer's Accounts
III. Expenses Accounts
IV. Day Books
Choose the correct answer using the options given below:

410. Manager's commission is given at the rate of 10% on the profits after giving commission to him. If the profit before giving commission is Rs. 1,54,000, then payable commission will be

411. If at the end of a financial year capital is Rs. 20,000, drawing during the year is Rs. 10,000, capital at the beginning of the year is Rs. 12,000, additional capital introduced during the year is Rs. 14,000. Then find net profit for the year?

412. Variable cost ratio is 30%, fixed cost is Rs. 63,000. The break even point will be

413. Wages paid to workers must be debited to . . . . . . . . account.

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