11. A compound bar consists of two bars of equal length. Steel bar cross-section is 3500 mm2 and that of brass bar is 3000 mm2, These are subjected to a compressive load 100,000 N. If Eb = 0.2 MN/mm2 and Eb = 0.1 MN/mm2, the stresses developed are :
12. If a concrete column 200 x 200 mm in cross-section is reinforced with four steel bars of 1200 mm2 total cross-sectional area. Calculate the safe load for the column if permissible stress in concrete is 5 N/mm2 and Es is 15 E,
13. Two bars, one of steel and the other of copper having areas of cross-sections As and A,, coefficient of expansion as
14. A steel rod of sectional area 250 sq. mm connects two parallel walls 5 m apart. The nuts at the ends were tightened when the rod was heated to 100?C. Rusted = 0.000012/C?, E steel = 0.2 MN/mm2, the tensile force developed at a temperature of 50?C, is
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