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Civil Engineering Objective Questions { R.C.C. Structure Design }

15. According to I.S. : 456 specifications, the safe diagonal tensile stress fbr M 150 grade concrete, is
A. 5 kg/cm2
B. 10 kg/cm2
C. 15 kg/cm2
D. 20 kg/cm2
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16. Spacing of stirrups in a rectangular beam, is
A. kept constant throughout the length
B. decreased towards the centre of the beam
C. increased at the ends
D. increased at the centre of the beam.
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17. Dimensions of a beam need be changed if the shear stress is more than
A. 10 kg/cm2
B. 15 kg/cm2
C. 20 kg/cm2
D. 25 kg/cm2.
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18. The maximum shear stress (q) in concrete of a reinforced cement concrete beam is
A. Lever arm x Width Shear force x Width
B.Lever arm Shear force Width
C. Lever arm x Spear force,Lever arm
D. Shear force x Width
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19.  If the average bending stress is 6 kg/cm2 for M 150 grade concrete, the length of embedment of a bar of diameter d according to I.S. 456 specifications, is
A. 28 d
B. 38 d
C. 48 d
D. 58 d
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20.  ln a beam the local bond stress Sb is equal to Shear force
A. Lever arm x Total perimeter of reinforcement
B. Total perimeter of reinforcement Lever arm x Shear force Lever arm
C. Shear force x Total perimeter of reinforcement
D. Lever arm Bending moment x Total perimeter
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21.  For M 150 mix concrete, according to I.S. specifications, local bond stress, is
A. 5 kg/cm2
B. 10 kg/cm2
C. 15 kg/cm2
D. 20 kg/cm2
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