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Hydrology MCQs

Civil Engineering Objective Questions

225.  In pressure supply mains, water hammer pressure is reduced by providing

226. Manholes along the mains from the source to a city are provided at 500 m intervals in

227.  A centrifugal pump is required to be primed before starting if it is located

228.  For calculation of economical diameter D of a pipe in metres for a discharge Q to be pumped in cumecs, Lea suggested the empirical formula

229.  If w is the weight of water per cubic metre; Q is the discharge in cubic metres per sec and H is the total head, the required water horse power of the pump, is

230.  If discharge of a pump is 0.16 cumecs, the economic diameter of pipe, is

231. Standard unit of turbidity of water is in one litre of distilled water, one milligram of finely divided

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