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Civil Engineering Objective Questions { Hydraulics }

274.  The following is not a laminar flow
A. Flow of oil in measuring instruments
B. Flow in beds in ground water
C. Rise of water in plants through roots
D. Flow in water pipe lines.
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275. The value of kinetic energy correction factor (a) for a laminar flow through a circular pipe, is
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276.  The value of momentum correction factor (p) for a laminar flow through a circular pipe, is
A. 1/2
B. 2/3
C. 3/4
D. 4/3
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277. The ratio of frictional factor and coefficient of friction used in general equation for a head loss in a pipe, is
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278.  If the Mach number for a fluid flow is less than 1, the flow is
A. sonic
B. supersonic
C. sub-sonic
D. none of these.
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279. The instrument used for measuring the velocity of flow, is known as
A. venturimeter
B. orifice meter
C. pitot tube
D. none of these.
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280. An orifice is an opening in a vessel with
A. closed perimeter of regular shape through which water flows
B. the water level of the liquid on the up stream side is below the top of the orifice
C. partially full flow
D. prolonged sides having length of 2 to 3 diameters of the opening in thick wall.
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