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Civil Engineering Objective Questions { Environmental Engineering }

50.  A circular sewer section is preferred to because
A. it is cheaper in construction
B. it provides maximum area for a given perimeter
C. it provides maximum hydraulic mean depth
D. all the above.
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51.  Pick up the correct statement from the following :
A. The circular section of sewers provides maximum hydraulic mean depth
B. The circular sewers are provided for separate sewerage system
C. The circular sewers work efficiently if the sections run at least half full
D. All the above.
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52.  If D is the diameter of upper circular portion, the overall depth of a standard egg shaped section, is
A. D
B. 1.25 D
C. 1.5 D
D. 1.75 D
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53.  If D is the diameter of upper circular portion, the overall depth of New Egg shaped sewer section, is
A. 1.250 D
B. 1.350 D
C. 1.425 D
D. 1.625 D.
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54.  If D is the diameter of a circular sewer and D' is the top horizontal diameter of an equivalent egg shaped section, the relationship which holds good, is
A. D' = 0.64 D
B. D' = 0.74 D
C. D = 0.84 D
D. D' = 0.94 D.
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55.  D is the diameter of a circular sewer and a is the side of a square section sewer. If both are hydraulically equivalent, the relationship which holds good, is
A. 70813 4 013
B. TED315 = 4 b3/5
C.702/3 . 4 b2/3
D. i-0312 = 4 b312
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56.  If the side of a square sewer is 1000 mm, the diameter of a hydraulically equivalent circular section, is
A. 1045 mm
B. 1065 mm
C. 1075 mm
D. 1095 ram.
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