204. You are asked to design sewer pipes of diameters 0.4 m to 0.9 m at maximum flow, you will assume the sewer flow running at
A. full depth
B. half full
C. two third full
D. three fourth full.
205. The most efficient cross section of sewers in a separate sewerage system is
A. parabolic
B. circular
C. rectangular
D. new egged.
206. The most efficient cross-section of sewers in a combined sewerage system is
A. parabolic
B. circular
C. rectangular
D. new egged.
207. In sewers designed with self cleansing velocity,
A. the bottom is silted
B. the bottom is scoured
C. both silting and scouring occur at the bottom
D. neither silting nor scouring occurs at the bottom.
208. In olden days the type of section adopted in trunk and out fall sewers was
A. parabolic shaped
B. horse shoe shaped
C. egg shaped
D. circular shaped.
209. The underground sewers are more subjected to
A. tensile force
B. compressive force
C. bending force
D. shearing force.
210. In R.C. sewer pipes, the percentage longitudinal reinforcement to the cross-sectional area of concrete is kept
D. 0.25.
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