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Civil Engineering Objective Questions { Docks And Harbours }

1. The important component of a sea port is
A. terminal buildings
B. the docks
C. the harbour
D. all of these.
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2. Pick up the correct statement from the following :
A. a harbour without any port complex, is called a refuge harbor
B. a harbour used for fishery, is called fishery harbor
C. the terminal building of a commercial harbour consists of an administrative block, customs clearance and ware-houses.
D. all the above.
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3. Pick up the correct statement from the following :
A. the Mediterranean sea is considered to be a huge harbor
B. the Caspean sea is considered to be a big harbor
C. the Red sea is considered to be harbor
D. none of the above.
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4. Cretans :
A. are the harbours established on the island south east of Greek mainland
B. are the natives of crete, an island south of Greek mainland
C. are the plants grown in the neighbour-hood of harbours
D. none of the above.
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5. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following :
A. As a wave of sea water approaches the coast line, it is generally accompanied by a drift of water in the direction of wave advance
B. The on-shore wind helps to produce wave action as well as rise of M.S.L.
C. A falling hydraulic gradient occurs in the direction of the wave
D. The wave while receding carries finer particles out to deep water.
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6. The beach is built :
A. with largest material locally available to the waves
B. with large material locally available to the waves
C. with fine material locally available to the waves
D. with finest material locally available to the waves.
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7. Surf zone is :
A. the fathom line of 10 m depth
B. the fathom line of 5 m depth
C. the swell of the sea breaking on the shore or reefs
D. the coast line attacked by the waves.
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