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Chemical Engineering Objective Questions { Mechanical Operations }

309. Arrange the following size reduction equipment in the decreasing order of the average particle size produced by each of them.

310. The crushed material received for separation is called feed or

311. Work index is the gross energy (kWh/tonne of feed) necessary to reduce a very large feed to such a size that 80% of product particles will pass through a 0.1 mm screen. The value of work index determined for wet grinding should be multiplied with __________ to get the same for dry grinding.

312. A sand mixture was screened through a standard 10-mesh screen. The mass fraction of the oversize material in feed, overflow and underflow were found to be 0.38, 0.79 and 0.22 respectively. The screen effectiveness based on the oversize is

313. Mass flow of granular solid (M) through a circular opening of dia, D follows

314. Stamp mills are generally used for crushing

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